(Beanie, Shirt, Skirt- F21, Boots- Jeffrey Campbells via Ebay)
Sidenote: Oh man. Don't even want to get started on my weekend. My phone got stolen Friday night & by Monday night I was able to recover it. Amazed. So, fellow iPhone users, get that Find My iPhone app, & keep that shit on! I wouldn't have my phone if it weren't for that app.
This is a skirt I've had since 2010. It has honestly hardly been worn, despite all the time I've owned it. Lately I'm trying to "go shopping" in my closet, and pull the hidden gems out of the back to mix into my wardrobe. Wearing almost head to toe Forever 21 was totally unintentional, I didn't even realize it until I started taking the outfit photos, since I'd purchased the items at separate times. (Separate years even!) But I shouldn't be as surprised as I am, I've shopped there quite a bit in my time.
-Elizabeth Joy
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